This weekend for Easter, I spent time with my parents and grandparents in Marble Falls, TX. A golf round, two visits to church (which I needed), and a lot of eating later...
Played terribly, enjoyed thoroughly. |
Family |
...we came back to Abilene, only to turn around the next day and head back to Austin.
My dad had some sort of lobbying day with a bunch of doctors on Tuesday at the state capitol, so Mom and I tagged along. I love visiting friends when I go to cities like Austin. Time passes too quickly when it comes to keeping in touch, but luckily, I was able to see mi amiga Caroline for some drinks and good conversation. It was so fun catching up!
Photo courtesy of (read: borrowed from) her Facebook page. Hope you don't mind, Carols :) |
I love Austin. It has a certain eclectic energy that can't be found anywhere else in the state, and probably the country. It is so unlike anywhere else in Texas, and yet the city is defined by its Texan roots. We stayed at The Driskill on 6th Street, an area of cultural and musical attraction for tourists and townies alike.
After viewing a random Sea World animal display outside the capitol on Tuesday, Mom and I ate lunch at
Quattro Gatti on Congress Ave. We had savory Italian food, admired their pizza oven, and were very entertained by some baby squirrels outside the restaurant.. What can I say, I love animals.
I mean, check out this action.. |
It was only supposed to be an overnight trip, but the weather on Tuesday afternoon was horrendous and we couldn't fly out. So lucky us, we got to spend an extra night in a beautiful city!
After Pop's long day of lobbying, we were ready for a drink. We ventured down to have a few at 1886, the cafe-restaurant in the hotel. For dinner, we decided to go to the
Moonshine Grill, and began the short walk down 6th street in a little drizzle. After a few blocks it began to hail, so we ducked into a bar called the Dizzy Rooster to wait it out. There we found live music and an adorable bartender, so naturally, we stayed for a few beers and a delicious iced tea shot that said bartender made. Although sad to say goodbye to our new friends, we continued our journey and finally made it to the restaurant, and boy was it worth the walk. Delicious and unique American food satisfied us all.
I'm fairly certain I'm going to live in Austin at some point in my life, and I cannot wait. It's so vibrant and young, much like DC, and has so much to offer.
the Capitol, made of red-sunset granite from Marble Falls, TX |
View of 6th Street from the Driskill. I got artsy in Austin. My apologies. |
We made the short flight back this morning, and I'll be napping this afternoon for the first time in probably months. I'm not a big napper, but when it's cloudy and raining, it just seems fittin'.
Hope you're having a wonderful week!!