Monday, July 7, 2014

Sense of Place

I've been here almost a week and haven't posted anything, for shame!

There is a reason people come to this city and never leave. It is magical, especially tonight, as I sit with my window open and watch a Parisian sunset paint the sky after a day of rain. This week has been great. I met a whole new crop of students who are wonderful, got some writing done, and even managed to successfully lead a Hemingway Walk around the 5th arrondissement.

Last night, I went with two girls from LA to the opening ceremonies of the French Film Festival, which will be here all week. It was a "Karaoke Night," where everyone plopped down on the bank of the Seine and sang along to some amazing musical numbers from famous films. The first scene was from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, and I was struck by how many people knew that diamonds are a girl's best friend. 

The rest of the evening included scenes from Moulin Rouge (Parisians seem to love this movie), 40-Year Old Virgin, and a bunch of French films that I had no idea existed. It was a warm, lovely night on the river, and I hope to go to another film while the festival is here.


Today, we took a walk around our neighborhood, the Latin Quarter, and one of our professors and his wife gave us incredible insight to one of the oldest parts of Paris. Rue St. Jacques, where my school is, is the oldest street in Paris, and some of the buildings around here date back to over 3,000 years ago...impressive!

Luxembourg Gardens

Every first Sunday of the month, some museums in Paris that have entrance fees are completely free. So I decided to wander down to the Rodin Museum. Although it was raining and windy, my friends and I had a nice -- and wet -- time looking at some of his finest works. Including The Thinker and what I'm referring to as Single Ladies.

So impressive

Put a ring on it!

I'm overwhelmed by this place for the second year in a row. Its beautiful architecture and boulevards open the city up, and it speaks to you. I have my bearings a little bit more this year, and it's nice to feel somewhat comfortable in such a foreign city. Stay tuned for good times ahead!

My view right now. Is this real life??