So much is coming up on my calendar that I feel like Cady when Aaron Samuels invited her to Chris's Halloween party!! My dad's birthday party is tonight -- hello free wine; on Monday I'm on my way to DC/NoVa for my brother's graduation from TBS and quality (but not enough) time with my DC betches; Mumford and Sons concert with one of my faves; and Paris exactly one month from tomorrow!! Exciting times, indeed.
In the meantime, I was browsing the photos on my phone earlier to refresh my memory about what I've been doing lately (yes, I forget that easily), and it would appear that I do nothing except take photos of animals in my life. I love dogs, and cats are pretty cool I guess, and I'm going to be the crazy dog/cat lady as soon as is humanly (animaly?) possible. And you know what?
I ain't even mad.
So give yourself a wee little break on this Friday before a 3-day weekend, and check out these adorable animals that I've been around lately. Because every blog needs an animal post, and this is my one and only, I promise. Probably.
Before leaving Knoxville, this little guy and I spent some quality time together. |
My grandparents' cat, Miss Kitty. Look at those eyes. |
My grandmother with Miss Kitty and Mimi. |
Owl eggs that we found out at the lake. Technically not animals yet, but use your imagination. |
Louis is literally Bryan from "Family Guy." He is in love with my mom. |
And this photo I couldn't resist. That's my cousin on the couch, and that's our other dog, Suzette. They are almost in the exact same position and I thought it was hilarious. Sorry I'm not sorry. |
My brother's cat, Dr. Greensky, after forcing him to look at me. Crazy bastard. |
Alright, I will subject you to no more. Have a nice long weekend!!
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