I love Paul Ryan. Love him. My only claim to fame with this campaign is that I saw him once in the Cannon Rotunda. My friend literally sent me this link when it came out (yeah, I don't know how to "reblog" that yet..):
Which is why I'm taking a hiatus from talking about random things to talking about the 2012 Presidential Election. I've said all summer that I would love to see Ryan be veep pick, to which most people say that it would never happen. But with his congressional record, the fact that he's gotten 2 budgets passed in the House while the Senate has none, and the policies he is trying to put in place, it's not hard to imagine why Romney chose him.
Now, I don't know much about anything, but I'm pretty pumped.
How do you feel about Paul Ryan as Vice Presidential pick?
Excellent choice if you ask me.