Monday, June 10, 2013

Moral of the Story: Don't lose your cool.

This weekend for me consisted of a wonderful brother coming home, a wedding with a friend, and lots of wine. Good times. I hope you had a nice weekend, especially with the perfect weather we've been having in Texas. Here are somethings I'm learning lately:

1. Do not lose your cool when you hit a bad golf shot on the number nine hole. Especially when it faces the club house and people can see you. I hope they let me back on the course... the divot in that grass was pretty significant. I'm gonna go ahead and blame it on number 2:

2. Also bad form: letting a sore throat get the best of you. Oh well, at least this is happening now and not when I go to Paris. (I can't resist mentioning it. I'm so excited!!)

3. I just started reading Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers again. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it. I'd say it's a mix between the Bible and the Notebook. I know, that sounds weird, but it'll change your world and make you think of love in a completely different way. Well, it did for me anyway.

4. I still get just as excited about the weekend not having a job as I did when I had a job. There's something about ending another week, bringing me closer and closer to my trip to Dallas tomorrow for a Mumford and Sons concert, and Paris two weeks after that (oh quit rolling your eyes, you know you love it). 

Stay thirsty, my friends. 

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